To our parishioners and visiting guests during the Christmas Season at St. John the Baptist Parish:
On behalf of all St. John the Baptist parishioners, we wish to extend a warm welcome
to all our visiting guests that are worshiping with us over Christmas. You honor us
with your presence and are so glad you are joining us for worship at this blessed
and holy time of the year.
Please introduce yourselves and greet those in the pews around you and may
your stay with us be joyful and grace filled. Thank you for being with us and hope to
see you again real soon. We welcome you and your family anytime!
May the joy of Christmas always be in your heart.
Fr. Jim Lucas
Christmas Mass Schedule
Dec. 24th - Christmas Eve: 4:00, 6:30 & 11:00 PM
Dec. 25th - Christmas Day: 9:00 AM
Eucharistic Adoration
(Monday – Friday 7 -- 8 am)
Community Rosary
(Monday – Friday 8 – 8:30 am) (Sunday at 7:30 am)
Daily Mass
(Tuesday – Friday 8:30 am)
Church open for quiet prayer time
(Monday – Friday Noon – 1:00 pm) (Tuesday, Thursday 7 -- 8am)
Day of Adoration (First Thursday of the month 9:00 am – 6:30 pm)
Evening Holy Hour with Reconciliation (First Thursday of the month 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm)
Advent meditations