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Asked Questions:
How much does a brick cost?
Each brick is $150
Can I order more than one brick?
Yes! Please fill out one form per brick. If forms are submitted at the same time, the bricks will be placed near each other.
When will bricks be placed?
Spring of 2025 *weather permitting
Can I choose the location of the brick?
Bricks will be placed in order of when we receive each form.
What are the spacing requirements?
Up to 3 lines
14 UPPERCASE characters/spaces per line
Any period, comma, dash is considered one space
Can I add a special symbol?
Yes! You have the option to add a heart or cross at no extra cost. There needs to be a space before either symbol for this to be an option.
What do the bricks look like?
Each brick is 4" x 8"
Red in color
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